Welcome to the
Leonard Foundation.

The Red & Gena Leonard Foundation was established in 1997 by the late Red & Gena Leonard to improve the educational opportunities of average students of good character with poor financial circumstances who have a desire to seek further educational opportunities. These funds represent a lifetime of hard work and frugal living coupled with a desire to give back to the communities they loved. Red and Gena believed in "helping people help themselves through education and work", and that has become our mission statement for this foundation. Red & Gena Dedicated their lives to enrich the lives of others. Please take time when going through this application, incomplete applications will not be considered for scholarship. If you have any questions throughout the application process, please contact us, we will be glad to answer any questions you may have.
From Aspiration
to Reality.
The Red & Gena Leonard Foundation has issued scholarship awards to Eastern Oregon students totaling $5,731,800 (yes that's almost $6 MILLION!). The Red & Gena Leonard Foundation awards scholarships to students who have graduated or obtained a GED from Arlington, Boardman, Condon, Echo, Fossil, Heppner, Hermiston, Ione, Irrigon, Monument, Pendleton, Pilot Rock, Spray, Stanfield, Ukiah or Umatilla High Schools. Students must be enrolled full time in an accredited college, university, community college, vocational, trade or technical program based in Oregon to be eligible for a scholarship. It is the intent of the Red & Gena Leonard Foundation to benefit average students of good character with poor financial circumstances who have a desire to seek further educational opportunities. For the 2021-22 year we awarded 163 scholarships to local students ranging from $1800 to $3600 each – totaling $423,600 awarded for the academic year.